On our own premises we have our own garage and car wash. All our vehicles - from internal transport means to our complete fleet of lorries - are maintained and repaired in the garage. Our internal car wash enables us to send out our fleet in a clean condition.

This will save us the extra miles to the service garage and external car wash. The cleaning agents used in the car wash are all on a biological basis and are therefore not harmful to the environment.

In redesigning our premises, we gave much thought to space saving opportunities in regard to the cars of our employees. This effort meant that the surrounding woodland remained intact and that from now on our employees park on the parking deck.

At Van Rooijen Logistiek we strive to involve our employees in corporate social responsibility. For example, we ask them to contribute to the separation of waste. We also ask our clients to save trees by working as digitally as possible.

Despite the fact that we live in a “digital age”, many documents are still printed. To raise awareness that it is not always necessary to print emails, Van Rooijen Logistics has a policy to make this clear in every email signature.

"Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail"